From the creator of Crash Bandicoot and Jak & Daxter! The long-awaited collection for Jason Rubin's original comic series, previously released as Iron and The Maiden is finally here. Set in an alternate-universe 1930s metropolis, a reformed hitman and an innocent debutante get caught in the middle of a three-way power struggle between the government, a religious sect, and an underworld criminal organization.
Written by Jason Rubin (Crash Bandicoot, Jak & Daxter) and drawn by Francis Manapul (The Flash, Adventure Comics) and Joel Gomez (Witchblade), The Iron Saint Volume 1 Trade Paperback collects the sold out Iron and The Maiden #1-4 plus the hard-to-find #0 issue, along with a cover gallery and much more. Featuring covers by Jim Lee, Joe Madureira, Michael Turner, and Chris Bachalo!
Written by Jason Rubin (Crash Bandicoot, Jak & Daxter) and drawn by Francis Manapul (The Flash, Adventure Comics) and Joel Gomez (Witchblade), The Iron Saint Volume 1 Trade Paperback collects the sold out Iron and The Maiden #1-4 plus the hard-to-find #0 issue, along with a cover gallery and much more. Featuring covers by Jim Lee, Joe Madureira, Michael Turner, and Chris Bachalo!